Addressing the pains of transportation departments…
ReaXium School Bus allows administrators to see buses in real-time as they travel from stop to stop.
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ReaXium School Bus allows administrators to see buses in real-time as they travel from stop to stop.
Our two flagship products of School Bus and Mobile Citation have opened the gates to expanding to other areas of secure transportation and citation issuance.
Thank you to the Greater Boca Raton Chamber of Commerce for your new member support! We’re excited to continue building and bridging successful relationships throughout 2019 with you.
Merchant services accepting payments are seeking an alternative to protect their consumer’s data by utilizing blockchain technology and coupling it with biometrics.
Remember the days of paper tickets? Officers scrambling to fill out endless fields by hand could at times lead to illegible information, improper filing, and a severe lack of reporting and follow-up.
Would biometrics serve as a viable alternative to traditional security? Are biometrics the future of digital security?
Texas Independent School Districts (ISDs) have been experiencing constant issues with school bus transportation. Texas’ Houston ISD, the largest in the state, has been unable to operate at capacity due to driver shortages and implementation of new safety features.
A top priority for prisons is to keep track of all inmates. Head counts, wrist bands, even RFID technology have all been utilised but with some mixed results.
Biometrics were long seen as something that only government entities or special agencies could utilize for security. Biometrics over the years made the advancement towards the general population and their reach is quickly spreading.
It is no secret that there’s a shortage of school bus drivers nationwide at an increasing rate every school year. A survey by the National Association for Pupil Transportation, NAPT, stated that over 56% of school districts are suffering from some type of driver shortage.
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