
Benefits of Mobile citation Wizard & Device

Remember the days of paper tickets? Officers scrambling to fill out endless fields by hand could at times lead to illegible information, improper filing, and a severe lack of reporting and follow-up.

With ReaXium Mobile Citation, public or private security officers can count on an easy-to-use, step-by-step citation wizard app on the ReaXium Device. The wizard comes with custom fields configured for your citation needs. Additionally, officers select the violation types from a checklist or drop-down so the data of aggregated citations can be better tracked.

Just as important as the customized wizard steps in the app are the tools the device comes with to ensure a better capture of information. Officers can scan an infractor’s driver’s’ license using the barcode reader to auto-populate the offender’s information quickly and can make any necessary edits or continue adding information using the device’s external and/or onscreen keyboard. When it comes to evidence, the device helps officers easily capture and save photographs to the open citation. These image files are stored with the citation document ensuring the most accurate data, reporting, and more. Lastly, the mobile bluetooth printer allows for secure over BLE rapid, onsite printing. Copies of the citation can be left with the infractor, while syncing with the cloud allows for the electronic record to be available in real-time as well.

Overall, there are many benefits to the ReaXium Device’s app and features. Citations are now not only legible, but easier to search, store, and aggregate. The Mobile Citation solution makes sure your team uses less paper, counts on more accurate data, and keeps a safer copy of records.


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