
Training Day: Lake Wales Charter Schools get ready with student Ridership Solution

Define your own success. That was the inspiring phrase that was printed on the Lake Wales High School cafeteria wall where the training took place.

During our visit to Lake Wales we were glad to participate once again in the LWCS Transportation Department monthly meeting to train and update drivers and administrators on the Reaxium School Bus ridership solution as they prepare for the challenge this school year represents. It is imperative that schools management are provided with the most accurate and on time information that helps them respond effectively to the possible problems caused by the pandemic during transportation. From contact tracing to seating charts, our student ridership solution has paved the way for a safer return to class.

The entire ReaXium family is concerned with ensuring that students can be served in the best possible way by their transportation department. Having insightful conversations, answering driver’s and administrators’ concerns, and listening to how ReaXium has been able to bring value to school transportation is what motivates us to keep going.

If your district is integrating accessible tech-based solutions during the pandemic, we encourage you to reach out and let us know. As always, we are happy to help and hear from transportation management, drivers, school administrators, and parents!


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