
Contact Tracing: How student ridership data helps school districts respond to the pandemic

COVID-19 continues to spread around every corner, and at high risk are our schools! Reopening classes and school transportation services puts students and school bus drivers in enclosed spaces even when applying social distancing rules. In addition, students tend to interact with each other and maintain physical contact during the bus trip. They may not be cautious enough or constantly aware of the new measures they would have to follow, therefore increasing the risk of contagion.

For this reason, school administrators and officials need to have the proper tools to immediately identify and notify staff and parents of any potential infected students and with whom they may have been in contact with. Having the proper data and contact tracing protocol can help schools come back to normal, and avoid the closing of school services

At this post, we’ll define contact tracing and how we can help school districts mitigate the risk of spread by providing tools to conduct contact tracing more efficiently.


Contact tracing is a system that has been developed to minimize the risk of spreading infectious diseases, by tracing all persons who may have been in contact with a reportedly sick individual. It helps protect our students, their families, and our communities by letting people know that they may have been exposed to COVID-19.

A contact is anyone who has had direct physical contact with or was close enough to an infected person for 15 minutes or more. This applies to anyone who has had contact with a sick person within 2 to 14 days since they got sick. Once someone is confirmed as a contact, they will be asked to go into quarantine and monitor their health for any kind of symptoms for the next 14 days.


With ReaXium School Bus accurate student ridership data and real-time information collected daily during school transportation is available to conduct safe contact tracing, and protect the people we all care about.

With this feature our solution quickly traces a student’s interactions and allows school administrators to create an instant report of who rode the bus alongside a reportedly ill student.

In addition to time spent onboard the bus together, the ReaXium School Bus contact tracing report provides seat assignment and contact details needed to effectively communicate to all parties the safest next steps.


ReaXium School Bus is a unique and comprehensive solution that provides the schools’ transportation administrators and campus personnel a full picture of daily school bus operations through a real-time dashboard portal. For this to work, the solution needs the implementation of a mobile device in each school bus that allows the driver to identify and authenticate each student scheduled for pick up or drop off at each stop of the assigned route. Each student scans their badges on the mobile device which allows the device to collect the date and time data for an accurate contact tracing report.

ReaXium wants to provide all school bus transportation operations with the optimal technological capabilities so students and drivers can be safe while being transported to and from school.

Let’s work together and keep students safe throughout the school day. Contact us to set up a meeting with one of our team members to know how you can get the most out of our solution and your budget!

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