
Strategic Visits: China + Phillipines 2018

ReaXium and Chinese partners

ReaXium’s partner, Technology 4 Solutions, an international business development corporation, recently traveled to Shenzhen in mainland China and Hong Kong. Meetings revolved around mobile biometric devices, the future of biometric authentication, and solution providers like ReaXium who incorporate biometrics into different markets.

T4SS and ReaXium’s strategic visit also looked into RFID wearables and their potential use and value-add in solutions like ReaXium School Bus and ReaXium School & Classroom Attendance.

About a month after returning from China with new insight into the product roadmap of our solution’s mobile biometric devices, ReaXium & Technology 4 Solutions CEO, Edgar Zorrilla traveled to the Philippines.

In the Philippines meetings centered around the emergence of smart cities and the municipalities of Manila and Bataan’s development and investment in becoming smart cities. In addition to the many green technologies presented, the concept of communication and notifications was discussed in relation to schools. Smart cities are primarily defined due to their use of electronic sensors for data collection to manage the city’s assets and resources efficiently. However, this interconnected quality of the city can extend to the citizens within as well. Schools within a smart city can capture student attendance and ridership while being communicated securely to their parents through real-time communications.

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